Android vs. iPhone: What your operating system says about your dating life

Over the past year you may have heard about a new elite, exclusive and curated dating app called The League, founded by Amanda Bradford, which pulls data from Facebook and LinkedIn to connect ambitious, professional individuals who care about substance, not just surface.

Originally only available to iPhone users, The League recently rolled out the app to Android users.  Collecting data from over 100,000 user records, their data team found some fascinating differences amongst the users of each operating system.

In comparison to iOS users, Android users: 

  • Replied 76% more often
  • Initiated conversation 9% more
  • Ghosted people 63% less frequently
  • Converted their matches to offline dates 24% more often
  • Used the word ‘relationship’ 11% more
  • Used the word ‘soulmate’ 5% more

This data suggests that in comparison to iPhone users, Android users may be more serious about dating in general.

Not only does the content in their profile suggest that they are looking for a committed relationship, with words such as “soulmate,” but their behaviors actually align with their profile claims, such as by starting conversations more frequently, replying to messages more often, and moving from offline to in person more regularly. 

Here are some more Android vs. iPhone user differences:

Android vs iphone_What your phone operating system says about your dating life.jpg

Though Android League users may be more serious daters, they still know how to have a good time! They used the words ‘creative,’ ‘Burning Man’ and ‘420’ more frequently than iOS users, and evident from the infographic they prefer sports, beer, hipster clothing, mustaches, and work at Google.

Not surprisingly, the match rate was higher for Android to Android users than Android to iPhone users, likely because from the photos and profile info the app provides, these users could ascertain similar lifestyles and hobbies, a common ground for connection.

But, before you limit yourself to only dating Android users, it’s important to note that the data from Android users was captured in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, whereas the data from iPhone users came from these cities, as well as Washington DC, Chicago and Boston. The data collected may be skewed by cultural differences in users living in these additional cities.

Regardless of which operating system you favor, The League represents a much-needed change in the dating app world. That’s because it moves away from the “hot or not” approach and focuses on five major categories: education, race, height, age, and distance from you, with each user being curated by a real human being on the back end!

It also has a refreshing no BS policy—League members who don't login for more than two weeks will be kicked out, as well as users who consistently don't respond, behave offensively, and suggest casual encounters, and they can only regain entrance after paying a membership fee of $179.

If your goal is to become a #powercouple, then The League might just be the perfect dating app for you.

Struggling to attract the right people, move from offline to in person, or get the committed relationship you deeply desire? Work with Samantha, Relationship Counselor & Dating Constultant.